Daisypath Vacation tickers
Elder Joshua David Lee
Brazil Vitoria Mission
Av. Joao Batista Parra, 633
Salas 1501-1502 Ed Enscada Office
Praia do Sua
29052-123 Vitoria - ES

Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 16

Monday, March 26, 2018

Hey family another great and crazy week on the mission... (sorry, I need to work on a better opening line then that..) But the mission is treating me better than I deserve. This week we lost out on a few days of working due to a conference that we had. But it was amazing to be spiritually fed by our leaders in the mission and get a chance to re-focus on our purpose. It was a little scary because President said mine and my companions name and We didn’t know what he would say... but luckily it was all good things. The area is hard but I love it. I will truly feel a deep sorrow to leave. We have transfers this next week but I think I’ll stay and my comp will leave. Training is over and now I have to be a big boy. I’m interested and a bit worried to see what happens next. But at times like this is always great to remember that we are on the team of the lord and he has already won. 

The focus on our meeting with president was obedience. It was a humbling experience that reminded me no matter how good we think we are doing there is always ways that we can improve and grow closer to our Savior. I’m so grateful for the chance that we have serve missions. It feels like cheating because we make it sound like we are giving up everything and yet it is us that gets so blessed. I know that I have so many things to work on. 

I love and miss you all tons but am so grateful that I can stay here. There are days that I miss Walmart and dryers and laundry machines... But then I remember why I’m here. Continue to be a great example to me and the rest of the world!

This week we ate pizza for the first time!!! Haha and my comps mom sent him a giant recess and gross jelly beans. Being the person who I am, I accepted my comp’s challenge to eat 15 at once... Haha it was rough... And the shirt is my Not Today Satan shirt form Zeke ;

Com muito amor.

Elder Lee

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Week 15

Monday, March 18, 2018

So this week was crazy. We´ve been having a lot of problems with people and have cut nearly all of our investigators. We also did splits with our zone leaders so that was a great time to have nobody... haha but it worked out because we had interviews for baptism with Leonardo and his 11 year old son. Their date was supposed to be this next up-coming Sunday but that didn’t exactly happen...

We have a zone conference for two days this week and we were worried what might happen to Leo and Danyel while we were gone. So Friday night we went to their house and taught them and straight up told them that we were planning on changing their date to the next day. The spirit in that lesson was so strong! And the ended unaccepting so we left and went to the church to clean the font and prepare. We called everyone that we could think of to invite them. I stayed up all night making cookies and jello for the refreshments and the next day we were all set... sort of...

It rained so hard all day almost. And when it rains in the rain forest... it rains... So we were worried cause nobody has cars and when it rains nobody does anything here. But what felt like hours later it stopped an hour before and there was such a beautiful rainbow. Talk about looking for rainbows after rain. But then we ran into another problem...

The son according to Leo wasn't ready and he wasn’t going to let him get baptized. So we rushed over to their house and talked him into it again. So it was crazy hectic before but ended up working out. I know the spirit is so strong because even when I sang a solo it didn’t go away. My comp and I also played a duet version of I like to look for rainbows that I wrote. All and all it was really great! Bu the work continues and we have to almost start over finding people. 

This next week will be cray to but I’ve learned to love it. I miss you all so much and hope that all is going well for you. Continue being lights and examples to the world. I love you famlee!!!

I will send pics with another email as well ;)


Okay I will write you a letter real quick...
I’m doing well here. Health is back to normal and we are working hard. I have a conference tomorrow three hours away so ill travel tomorrow and return Wednesday night. We have two more weeks before transfers and I have no idea what will happen so stayed tuned... But this week was good. I’ll give more me the famlee letter with pics. But I have a song for you to listen to that will make you cry... I heard it in the road cause everyone here plays American music... it’s called 93 million miles away... haha imp sure you can already tell what it’s going to be like. But this week we baptized Leonardo and Danyel. Leo is the dad of 11 year old Danyel. Just for the record. Their date was next week but because we are leaving we didn’t want Satan to mess them up and he might drink coffee. Sorry that doesn’t make sense I think but I can’t figure it out. I am really missing my cute nephews and nieces. Shauna and her little family are really growing up. And it’s so weird to me that I have Evan whom I’ve never met yet. But I love you tons and hope you get a chance to read this and the family letter. Don’t worry it will fly by and I’ll be talking to you again next week. Read the family letter! Love you tons!!!
Elder Lee

Friday, March 16, 2018

Week 14

Week 13


Josh didn't write an actual family letter this week.  He emailed back and forth with me for about 30 minutes.  He had a rough week.  He was in the hospital for a day with some parasite related problems that would be just too yuck to post.  Those of you with experience of being sick from drinking contaminated water know what I am talking about.  Anyway, he hung in there and is doing better and he was able to spend some time with his investigators.  He is hoping to continue to restore his good health and to get back at it 24/7.  I look forward to his next email and hope to hear better news.  He loves Brazil despite his trouble and loves his mission.

Week 12

It's really Feb 26...

Week 11

Week 10

Week 9

Week 8

Week 97